19 January 2009

Positively Toasty!

It's funny what cold weather will do to a person. Today we topped out in the low 20's in this frozen tundra we call home, and yet it felt positively toasty. And it was compared to last week when we spent half of the week in the -20's (with our high's never reaching the +) and lower than that with the wind chill (Jonthan's school was cancelled Thursday and Friday because it was in the -40's and -50's with the wind chill). Seriously, it's hard to wrap your head around that isn't it? It is for me, but then I had never lived outside of FL until I moved here . . .

Honey, can you remind me again why we are here?

Actually, all joking aside, I love it here . . . winter is a bit long, not to mention cold, but you can do some fun things (like blow bubbles- do you know what happens to bubbles in sub-zero temperatures? and boil water- do you know what happens to boiling water when you throw it into the air when the temperature (with wind chill)is -47?) and the people here are amazing! If you have to freeze you might as well do it with some really awesome people.

Still, every now and then, I find I am laughing at myself . . . not too long ago I lived in FL and when it got in the 60's my kids were dressed the way that they are right now when it is 20 degrees outside (with an extra layer even). My friend Amber used to tease me about it and now I can see why. It's all just a matter of perspective.


Kristin said...

So glad we get to freeze together! Love you. It cracked me up when Andrew said, "Mom, I don't have to wear my heavy coat, its 20` outside."

Jill said...

Hey Lindsay!
I'm glad you got in touch with me! How cool you guys have 4 kids! They are all so cute.
I know what you mean by the cold. I am freezing here and it's in the 50's during the day. When we go outside I always think, "How do people in really, really cold places take their kids out to play?"